Delivery programme in soft Hafner quality

Firebrick slabs

Schamotte Platten - HART Keramik
Schamotet Platten - HART Keramik
Dimensions in
Item number Weight kg
per item
Piece per
euro pallet
250 x 124 x 20* 12501 2122 1,2 810
250 x 124 x 30* 12501 2123 1,7 540
250 x 124 x 40* 12501 2124 2,2 405
250 x 124 x 50_ 12501 2125 2,8 360
290 x 140 x 20 12501 2142 1,6 600
290 x 140 x 30 12501 2143 2,4 400
290 x 140 x 40 12501 2144 3,1 300
290 x 140 x 60 12501 2146 4,5 200
350 x 140 x 30 12501 3143 2,9 288
350 x 140 x 40 12501 3144 3,5 216
400 x 200 x 20* 12501 4202 3,2 306
400 x 200 x 30* 12501 4203 4,4 204
400 x 200 x 40* 12501 4204 6,3 154
400 x 300 x 30* 12501 4303 6,8 140
400 x 300 x 40* 12501 4304 9,1 100
500 x 200 x 20 12501 5202 3,5 216
500 x 200 x 30* 12501 5203 6,0 144
500 x 200 x 40* 12501 5204 8,0 108
600 x 300 x 30_ 12501 6303 10,8 96
600 x 300 x 50_ 12501 7305 17,1 56
600 x 300 x 60_ 12501 6306 20,0 48

Firebrick latch

Schamotte Riegel
Dimensions in
Item number Weight kg
per item
Piece per
euro pallet
580 x 124 x 60° 12501 7777 8,7 125
600 x 140 x 50_ 12501 6145 8,0 120

Firebrick bricks

Schamotte Steine
Dimensions in
Item number Weight kg
per item
Piece per
euro pallet
250 x 124 x 64 12502 0003 3,7 240
250 x 124 x 71 12502 0004 3,9 240

Firebricks – Large slabs PA III t

  • Dry-pressed slabs for the firebox floor and
  • firebox cover
  • Permanent operating temperature up to 1000°C
Schamotte – Großplatten PA III t
Dimensions in
Item number Weight kg
per item
Piece per
euro palett
500 x 375 x 40 12506 5374 15,4 80
250 x 500 x 64 12506 2506 16,4 52
500 x 500 x 64 12506 5506 32,8 30

Hollow gauged bricks

  • 4 cm thick hollow clay blocks
  • Versatile product for use on the outside of tiled stoves
  • temperature load up to 300°C
Dimensions in
Item number Weight kg
per item
Piece per
euro palett
1000 x 250 x 40 22500 0001 32,0 12,5

*four-sided smooth design, ° only from stock


possible dimensional tolerances +/- 3 %
Possible weight tolerances +/- 10 %

Further dimensions on request